The course

Learn Italian with “Speak & Write”

The text is suitable for:

  • foreign student with a very low to no knowledge of the Italian language (level A1-A2)
  • students with a basic knowledge of the language who wish to master and deepen their reached level.

The course has been structured to learn modern Italian in a colloquial way, it allows the student to put into practice the acquired knowledge which reflects an everyday way of speaking the language.

The book is structured in 30 lectures that cover various topics, to allow a gradual learning of both grammar and vocabulary.

Each lesson is made of 7 sections

1. Introductive read

introduces a text which contains new grammar and vocabulary to learn

A quick example to be able to use the correct grammar structure right away

2. Conversation

lays out different communicative situations in dialog form, suggesting how to formulate questions and how to properly respond

learn how to correctly use certain language expressions in various contexts

3. Observe

reinforces the analysis of new grammar structures

learn how to use more frequently used adverbs, pronouns and adjectives

4. Organized vocabulary

reinforces vocabulary learned through the lecture with “word tables” related to everyday life

learn how to freely use common expressions in different contexts

5. Working on the subject

challenges the student to work out a text that structurally represents the lecture subject

confirming vocabulary knowledge

6. Test exercise

asks the student to work on phrases with common grammatical errors covered during the lecture.

confirming the knowledge of grammar structures covered in the lecture

7. Appendix

asks the student to carry out exercises on grammatical subjects and on conjugations of verb tables

to practice and learn correct verbal forms


Her research topics examine e-learning, language testing and textuality.
She is the author of scientific and Italian learning(L2) texts.


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